Friday, August 29, 2008


Ok, folks! Time to get into Mindy's head and discover exactly what it was that she was trying to get at when she randomly put three pictures together and assigned them a title.

Now, as some famous gal from some equally fmaous musical said, let's start at the beginning- a very good place indeed:

1) When you saw the title "Borders", what sort of association came up in your head? Positive or negative? Did any images flash through your mind?
2) Based on the four stes of photos that I posted, what do you think are four types of borders that I was referrring to in each one? Explicit, Gateways, Uniqueness, and Allowances? Do you think I was trying to make a point about the positive use of borders?
3) Where else can we apply these four types of border situations in our lives? In what instances might knowing the use and nature of borders be helpful?

Looking foward to seeing your creative input on this, my friends.
See ya. :)
Have a good Shabbos!


Anonymous said...

Mindy, good job. I didn't really have time to think it over, only about 2 seconds. But you made it kind of obvious. (Now let them figure it!)

Your Little Bro.

Mindy Schaper said...

I thought you would be smart enough to figure it out.

YAY!! Yozef comments on my blog? (was it you before??? I want an answer.) (and it *is* Yozef, right?)

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

I always did love taking tests, I just hated the studying part, so this is perfect, I get a test without having to study. Do I get a mark too? lol

1) negative, thought of the borders in Israel, cause that's where you are.

2)Border 1: gates in Israel, I'm not sure. Explicitly show that its Israel within that border?
Border 2: Gateways, are borders within different places, where it brings you from one place to another, a transition, but not necessarily a separation.
Border 3: Uniqueness, borders between different colors. So that you are easily able to find the different types, so it isn't one big jumble.
Border 4: Borders to allow for opposing things to happen, by waiting and allowing one, then putting a border, and allowing the other. Like Traffic lights, when they are green allow cars to go, while people can't cross.

Yes, I think you showed a positive point of borders. That it is useful for life.

3)Explicit: we should make explicit borders between good and bad, and not allow ourselves to get involved with bad. Knowing the borders will help us know what we can and can't do.
Gateways: are like different madraygos in our lives. Different stages we go through.
Uniqueness: Being Jews makes us unique and our true colors can show.
Allowances: Sometimes we have to give in a little, and wait our turn, and then it will be our turn.

Mindy Schaper said...

Babysitter- you are such a smartie, you got them all right! I think. The reason I say I think is because well- I'm not exactly sure what I meant by "Explicit". I meant that some borders are explicit. The deep philosophical implications of that I have yet to figure out. :P

*Gateways* - you got it! not every border is neccesarily a bad thing. Sometimes restrictions help us channel our energies in order to produce something greater.
*Uniqueness* Very good. Although I a very into the unity of klal Yisrael, I think it is very important to acknowledge that we don't have to all be the same. We have to be who *we* were meant to be and thus make the most meaningful contribution.
*Allowances* Right on the button, my friend. Couldn't have said it better myself. :)

Babysitter- Thumbs up! ^_^

Mindy Schaper said...

Oh- didn't read the second half of the answer. ;)

Cool. As always it is nice to see a different perspective- you came up with something for explicit that I wouldn't have thought of. (probably because I just didn't think :) )(and also because it happens to be somethin that goes against my nature... :))
Gateways- great. Also, we have to realize that these steps are neccessary in order for us to grow and become who we are. We don't start off perfect.
Uniqueness- right there with you, friend. :)
Allownaces- good mussar haskel. I as thinking of it in more of a borad perspective, some vague notion that in order for one thing to happen other things ahve to be in place as well, both in terms of a functioning society but also in terms of Mazal Elyon and world fate. Cool, no?

Good to hear your answers! Looking foward to more! (when there will be some... :P Read next post.. :) )

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

Mindy: Yay, I got them right! :-)