Sunday, August 24, 2008

Structure of the blog

Be'ezras Hashem, the structure of the blog will be as follows:

1. I will be posting daily.
2. The number of pictures posted each day will be three.
3. Each set of pictures will be titled under a specific title. Serials will continue at random throughout the postings. (ie- on Sunday: "Yarmulkot." Two Fridays later: "Yarmulkot 2." etc. Labels will probably be more specific, such as: "Yarmulkot worn at the Kotel," or "Yarmulkot being sold on Rechov Yaffo."
4. Each week's pictures will run along a main theme. The theme will change every week.
5. At the end of the week, circa Friday morning, instead of pictures, I will be posting questions. These questions will ask you to reflect on the pictures of the week and the themes represented thereof, so look at the pictures carefully! (don't worry, they won't run away)

I hope these pictures will accomplish something and that we will both grow together.

All the best,


Anonymous said...

Good luck!

Mindy Schaper said...

Thank you. :)

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

wow a whole theme to it...Only you would do everything so systematically, but its great.

Ezzie said...

Someone likes order. :P

Rafi G. said...

funky colors

Mindy Schaper said...

All- lol.

Baysitter- hold that thought. Change in outline soon to come.. :)

Ezzie- where do you think I got it from? I was scared off by your gchat statusL two whole days!! :P

Rafi- OH YEAH. (Funnily enough I've actually become more conservative in clothing taste recently...)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

do you take these pictures? Photography. Pretty good. You are getting there.Do you ask people permission b/f you do it?

Mindy Schaper said...

Anonymous- of course not. :)