Sunday, August 24, 2008


Welcome, everyone, to my picture blog! I don't know that blogger is necessarily the best venue for sharing photos, but it definitely is the best venue for adding some color to them. And as those who know me know- I like color.

So anyway, the reason this blog is being started is because throughout my picture taking career, which officially began at age ten when my dear parents gave their spoiled rotten eldest a camera for her birthday but unofficially began WAAAAAAAY before that with the whiny repetition of the words, "Can I take a picture? Can I take a picture?" which parents worldwide come to fear and detest, I have loved taking pictures of every and anything under the sun (no, this does not refer to the NY newspaper. Check "Proper Noun Capitalization: Rule 1".). This love of picture taking was oddly enough greatly increased by the fact that on average, every half a year or so my camera would undergo a sudden mechanical failure, disappearance (possible elopement?), or any number of other random occurrences which would render my hands to be empty of any device with which to capture very important life events, such as riding the subway, shopping in Manhattan, and preparing lunch.

So baruch Hashem, Camera Number Four (not counting disposables) is now safely back where it belongs (in *my* pocketbook!), and has given the blog owner countless hours of photographical pleasure. The pictures that will be out up here, for the time being, are exclusively of Eretz Yisrael, so consider yourselves privileged. Hard as it is to imagine, I probably won't be here forever, so at a certain point the posts will probably revert back to grimy staircases and empty yellow signs in Chinese ( Yep. That's Brooklyn alright.), but for now, enjoy the splendor and glory of Israel.

And in case you were wondering why I chose what I did for the blog name, I'll give you a hint: (almost) completely random. Determining that the blog would be comprised for the time being exclusively of photos from the Holy Land, I headed straight to my local Orthodox bookshelf (courtesy of Bobby Monsey, thank you) to crack open a Tanach in the hopes that some relevant passuk would appear in the page God has chosen (cuz God does take care of this stuff, right?). Well, what the page opened to (it's possible I flipped a few- honestly, I don't remember. :) ) was Sefer Shemos, Parshas Teruma, Perek 26, Passuk 31: "You shall make a Partition of Turquoise, Purple, and Scarlet wool, and linen." Instantly my Bohemia/Baroque inspired mind connected those rich and vibrant colors with the richness, vibrancy, and aforementioned glory and splendor of Israel.

May these pictures inspire us all to a greater appreciation of our beautiful Birthright.



Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

That is such a cool way to come up with a blog name, and that was great, so royal sounding.

Rafi G. said...

the "goral ha'gra" to choose a blog name????

Mindy Schaper said...

Babysitter: Heh heh. Honestly, it's just the path of the lazy. Thank you. I appreciate that. I like it too. :)

Rafi- It's the Goral Ha'Gra? I thought that was more comlicated. Are you kidding me? I always did it to find answers. Usually the material can be twisted to suit one's own purposes... :)